Are you wondering if you can still make money blogging? It has to be one of the best side-hustles, right? All you need is a laptop, an internet connection, and something to say.
But how do you get paid for blogging? Are there still opportunities, or is it a bloated market? After all, who doesn’t have a blog these days?
Don’t fret. There are still plenty of opportunities. As long as you have interests, something to say, and this list, you’re good to go.
Keep reading for 9 ways to make money from blogging.
How Do You Get Paid for Blogging?
It’s important to understand how blogging works so that you can see why there are an endless amount of possibilities for it.
The world is built on attention. If you can get and keep someone’s attention then there is a way to monetize that. With a blog you create content that people want to read. The type of content that helps them solve a problem.
Because they need the solution they come to your site and now you have their attention. Once that happens you are left with a number of amazing ways to make money blogging.

1. Get Affiliated
You know the term Affiliate Marketing, right? There’s a good chance your social media feeds are filled with ads promising you millions if you’d just get into Affiliate Marketing.
It starts to make you wonder if affiliate marketing is a scam.
And, guess what: They’re right. Well, kind of.
Ok, maybe not millions, not right away, but it is possible. It all depends on finding the right niche, creating the right content, and generating enough traffic to convert clicks to sales.
Sounds easy, right? Just don’t quit your day job quite yet.
If you’re not familiar with this concept, affiliate marketing is the practice of promoting and reviewing products for affiliate networks or businesses. If readers use your affiliate link to purchase the product, you get a percentage of the sale.
This has become one of the best ways to earn money as a blogger. There are many different affiliate networks that you can partner with, making it easy to get started.
The key to succeeding is to find a niche that draws an audience but isn’t yet oversaturated or dominated by big names.
Health and fitness are one of the more popular niches which can make it attractive. The challenge becomes finding a way to stand out from the competition. If you can’t differentiate yourself, you’ll simply get lost in the noise.
Choosing the right niche can get overwhelming. If you find yourself unsure about what to focus on, step back and think about what personally interests you. Having a passionate voice can be all you need to attract attention.
Once you choose your niche make sure you find the best affiliate platforms for success.

2. Advertising
Like with print media, placing ads on your blog can be a great way to earn an income off of your content. You can choose from many different options as to how you do it, from partnering with an ad network to finding your own clients.
Google’s AdSense is the king of online ads, so much so that selling ads is still their number one source of revenue. It’s easy to set up, making it a top choice for most bloggers. Simply insert the supplied code into your website, and they’ll manage the rest.
Earning a livable income off AdSense is only possible if you have a massive audience, though. It’s better to find an advertising network that’s more exclusive.
These networks will have eligibility requirements before they’ll partner with you. However, the payout is much higher.
You can also approach businesses that you think are a good fit for your blog and see if they’re interested in advertising with you. This allows you to cut out the middleman and earn more.
One important thing to note about ads is that there are two main options for earning. Know the difference to decide what’s best for you.
The first is CPC/PPC. That stands for Cost Per Click/Pay Per Click. This method pays out every time an ad is clicked on.
The second is CPM, which stands for Cost Per Impression. This method pays every time x-number of people (typically 1000) see an ad.
CPC often pays more, but CPM has the advantage of only needing to be seen to earn you money. Explore the benefits and disadvantages of each when choosing ads for your site.
My opinion is that you shouldn’t try to make money with ads until you have enough traffic to get into either Raptive or Mediavine. Why? Because they pay the best and have the best reputations.
If you truly want to explore how to make good money with ads then be sure to check out this guide to blog ad revenue.

3. Offer Your Services
A blog doubles as a portfolio of your work. It’s a testament to your ability to produce engaging content that’s relevant to your audience.
A popular way to earn money as a blogger is to offer the services your blog demonstrates. Your ability to write well is an easy service that you can offer. Use that to your advantage.
Freelancing for other sites is a great way to earn a paycheck. Not only do you get paid to write the articles you already create, but you also get greater visibility. It’s also an excellent way to build business relationships.
The niche your blog covers can be another opportunity for providing services. Whether you cover financial affairs, tech solutions, fitness advice, or anything else, you have skills to offer.
You can contract out your services or be a consultant. Every post demonstrates your know-how and expertise. Offer it to others and help them while earning money.
4. Sell Your Own Products
The success that bloggers have with affiliate marketing and advertising demonstrates that blogs convert sales. By presenting your audience with the content they’re already interested in, you can influence their purchases.
Helping other businesses sell their products can be lucrative. But not as much as selling your own. If you can find a product that fits within your niche, use your blog to promote it and sell it.
Dropshipping is an increasingly popular retail system wherein businesses find a product and ship it directly to the customer from the supplier. This saves them the overhead and risk of housing a product that may not sell.
Your blog can be an excellent vehicle for pushing a product that your audience is interested in.
5. Create Digital Products
Digital products are another proven winner for many bloggers. Whether it’s an online book or course, these easy to produce materials can be sold at a low cost, helping convert sales.
Your site already hosts a lot of content you’ve created. Collect a bunch of posts sharing a theme and package it as an e-book. Since this is material you already have, you can keep the costs low. It’s not hard to run the math on a $4 book that sells 1000 times.
An online course is another popular way for bloggers to earn money. There are many platforms that host online programs, making it easy to get started.
Just make sure that you’re doing this only if you have knowledge worth learning. It’s not worth risking your credibility on a program that’s more fluff than stuff.
A large majority of the income that I make from home comes from digital products. But my first couple of tries completely sucked.
But I do believe that digital products are the best way for you to make money as a blogger. Making passive income with digital products and blogging doesn’t only have to be a dream. There is a simple path to follow.
You just have to understand the different types of digital products there are to see the possibilities.
6. Sponsored Posts
If you’re more comfortable writing posts than pushing products, consider getting a sponsor. A sponsored post is different than an advertisement in that, in this case, you’ll write an article promoting a particular service or product.
What need-to-know for sponsored posts is that you need to make it clear to your readers that the content has been paid for. It’s important for them to know that you are writing with an agenda to promote a business.
Your long-term legitimacy is more important than a quick buck. Being transparent with your readers demonstrates your honesty and respect for them.
7. Memberships
If you have a blog that’s become well-known for the quality of its writing, considering going private.
Selling exclusive access can be controversial, but it is an easy way to earn a consistent monthly income. Just be aware that it might turn readers off.
A compromise could be to offer certain articles for free while hiding others behind a paywall. Realize, though, that this will limit your readership, so only take this approach if you’re confident that enough readers will sign-up.
8. Become a Brand
Since content is the lifeblood of the internet, get recognized for your contributions. Building a strong brand within your niche means that other content creators will come to you.
If you can position yourself as an expert in your field, you can open up a whole world of opportunities. Make yourself available and you could find yourself as a guest speaker, panel guest, or more.
9. Get a 9-to-5
Companies of all sizes recognize the importance of having a blog. Whether it’s to promote their products, generate better SEO, or increase visibility, they need well-written content regularly.
As mentioned above, your blog is your portfolio. Approaching a business that matches your interests can be a way of getting a steady gig that offers a salary and benefits.
Blogging isn’t necessarily about being your own boss and working from home. By definition, it’s about writing articles. Don’t ignore the benefits that a blogging position for a company could offer.
How Do You Get Paid for Blogging – Final Thoughts
Blogging is a satisfying, creative way to earn income. There are opportunities whether it’s your side-hustle or main gig.
If you blog and want to make it your full-time job, don’t ask how do you get paid for blogging. Empower yourself, follow the list above, and get paid for your work.
Otherwise, why have a voice if you’re not getting anyone to listen?